2011年3月5日 星期六

Blog updated ; 5th of March

I didn't update my blog since Chinese New Year. But who cares? Nobody~ XD

Studies~ Exams~ Projects~ Camps~ ANNOYING. STRESS. == I don't really like form 3 life. Just finish the Ujian Selaras last two days. Damn difficult. I have no eyes to see at my result~~~ Everyday sleep late at night. Eyebags,panda eyes,pimples........ Hate it. ==
Damn hate the school art sir. Bo song him! Don't know how to mark paper jau ask the ketua panitia seni la! ==

Coming camp~~
Two camp this year. Special @@
First at Rakan Muda~
Second at school~
I don't really like my group leader. Hope to change group but left my friend alone. Haih~~~~ Have to face *** all over the camp. == Sien!
Hope to in the same dorm with my friend or sleep at the hall! XDD

END of the post. Updated soon. XD

