2010年12月29日 星期三

Nice Day :D

What a nice day... everything is going smoothly.. hoho.. Happynya.. ^^

Gonna going for countdown two days later. woohoo~ Welcoming 2011 with friends for the first year. ^^ yay... i think will meet dou many friends on this day.. XDD gonna take picha picha picha! XD yea!

New friend :D
Yea.. XD Know a new friend today. Sentosa student. But gonna be ex-sentosa student. XD Friendly, quite handsome and cool. Happy mou? Praise you! XD hoho~ and lastly,nice to meet you. :))

School :(
This is the first year I don't want to go back school this much. The first year,very excited..hope faster school reopen. Next year,ok le..nothing special. Third year,means now! Super don't want! T.T I don't want I don't want I don't want! :((((

Webcaming. :)
Love it so much. XD enjoy webcaming with friends. Shy shy dei gam yeong. ahahaha... Syoknya. Going to webcam tomorrow again. :D Wait for me! XD

