2010年12月30日 星期四

Year 2010

I really miss 2010 very much. Many memory in this year.. Camping.caroling. CNY. Exams. :( I like this year so much! haih... hope this year will never ends! Before 2010 ends,wanna say something my dear friends~~

Kong Jie,
You're funny but I think I'm funnier! ahahaha.. XD I enjoy crazy-ing with you. Without you there won't be so much laughter and happiness! You're fun to be around~ ily! ^^

Chui & Wann Chyi
chui, although there are argues between you and me sometimes,but after that our friendship are better^^ enjoy outing with you!Wann Chyi,I had my every outing with you! haha.. syok! But you're not going to countdown. too bad. :( ily! :D

Bin & Soo
Bin,you're clever! No need to be cleverer. Haha.. Relax,girl! Soo,you're good in keeping secrets. Everybody likes you. :) And me too. Tan Vyn Shoon loves you! haha! I love you two.

haha.. you're funny. XD always sot sot de. Don't bite pen or bottle lo. Not good de! Hope you and Shaw King Herng always that sweet. ily,girl!

Seow Hao Ting & Tan Aun Teck
hmmm.. I think I'm closer with you two this year.. Haha..Also good ge.. :) Hope you two will friend forever! ily! XD

Tan Vyn Shoon & Shaw King Herng
Treat SooSoo and ChiQi better. :) and pay attention on your studies too! ily! :D

Chai Joon Lip
Hmm... You're nice and funny. Enjoy outing with you and don't so mean sometimes! Especially to girls! haha.. Good luck in your studies! SPM ler wo. :D ily! :)))

Wong Weng Fei
You're a friendly person. :) Treat everyone very good. But that will make people misunderstand! ahahaha... XD Of course I won't. Treat your girl girl better. ^^ And good luck in your futher studies. ily! haha

Choong Zhi Herng
Suprise that you're in my list too? I love chatting with you! You're funny and crazy. Webcam with me when you're free! And good luck! ily! :DDD

Ng Zhen Wei
I think you're the closest among the form 3 boys with me. Haha! You're handsome and friendly. As I said in facebook. :D Hope you'll in the sc1 class next year. Good luck. ily! :))

Sim Cheing Yiing
Yea.. I enjoy in the same group during 2009 JLT camp with you. You're nice. :) Good luck in your studies! ily! :)

Tan Vynnie and Lean Win Shean
Glad to know you two in JLT camp this year. Really happy in the same group with you. :) and luckily we can keep in touch in facebook too, You two are pretty! ily! :DD

I'm glad that you all is in my life! Haha! ^^ please tell me if you had view my blog.

Those who want to in my best friend's list. Please tell me. :) I will try to write down. (NOT EVERYONE)

